Please pray for the Johnson family.
They are good friends of my parents--since high school days(all of them--except the niece--are in their 70s). Lloyd & his wife, Minnie, were in one car & his brother, Cyrus & his wife Charlotte were in another car with a sister, Mary & her daughter.
A car broad-sided Cyrus' car & he was killed.. his wife, sister & niece were seriously injured. They were in Mississippi headed to a family funeral. Please keep all of them in your thoughts & prayers. I will update as I hear more.
The only blessing in this tragedy is that they are all believers & Cyrus got to meet Jesus today!
Friday, February 27, 2009
Tuesday, February 24, 2009
worn out
Okay.. so I am officially worn out & ready to put both fireflies & my ladybug in bed right now--yeah, it's only 6:20pm. Ladybug is just busy all the time & feels the need to get into everything under-the-sun today! The fireflies had been playing in the backyard, under strict orders to not get all muddy.. yeah, like they listened to that commandment. ;)
At least I will get a little break from the fireflies this evening, my husband is responsible for the devotional lesson for the shut-ins at a nursing home in Bunker Hill(about a 1/2 hour to 45 minute drive from our house) and I already informed all the male folks in my household that they will be spending quality time together this evening. :) Most of the time, we all go as a family to the nursing homes & shut-in's houses to visit each month, but I don't have the energy to wrestle my ladybug this evening, so the girlies are stayin' home.
Oh yeah.. and it's National Pancake Day today.. so I am going to be baking some yummy bacon & making up a huge batch of homemade pancakes using my Grandma's "famous" recipe for consumption when all the men folk get home. :)
I have been busy this afternoon with laundry(yeah, big surprise there!).. de-cluttering our entry area & uncovering our dining room table. See, the dining table is the first big flat surface that you come to after walking through our entry area & it always gets piled sky high with junk mail & all sorts of other crap. Of course, at this point.. my stuff is cleared off the table(for the most part) & what is left would be my husband(& the fireflies') model rocket stuff. It is always my goal to keep it cleaned off after every time that I un-earth it.. so far, I haven't ever kept it up.. kinda pathetic, I know. Dare to dream, eh? ;)
I am so.. totally lookin' forward to some quiet time this evening--well, now only the oldest firefly is going with my husband to the nursing home. Yippy! Guess I spoke to soon.. such as life!
At least I will get a little break from the fireflies this evening, my husband is responsible for the devotional lesson for the shut-ins at a nursing home in Bunker Hill(about a 1/2 hour to 45 minute drive from our house) and I already informed all the male folks in my household that they will be spending quality time together this evening. :) Most of the time, we all go as a family to the nursing homes & shut-in's houses to visit each month, but I don't have the energy to wrestle my ladybug this evening, so the girlies are stayin' home.
Oh yeah.. and it's National Pancake Day today.. so I am going to be baking some yummy bacon & making up a huge batch of homemade pancakes using my Grandma's "famous" recipe for consumption when all the men folk get home. :)
I have been busy this afternoon with laundry(yeah, big surprise there!).. de-cluttering our entry area & uncovering our dining room table. See, the dining table is the first big flat surface that you come to after walking through our entry area & it always gets piled sky high with junk mail & all sorts of other crap. Of course, at this point.. my stuff is cleared off the table(for the most part) & what is left would be my husband(& the fireflies') model rocket stuff. It is always my goal to keep it cleaned off after every time that I un-earth it.. so far, I haven't ever kept it up.. kinda pathetic, I know. Dare to dream, eh? ;)
I am so.. totally lookin' forward to some quiet time this evening--well, now only the oldest firefly is going with my husband to the nursing home. Yippy! Guess I spoke to soon.. such as life!
Friday, February 20, 2009
puking, the pink panther & other fun...
So.. this morning started way too early for me. At around 4:30am my little ladybug started crying and calling "Mommy.. Mommy!". I, barely awake, stumble across the hall to see what she needs.. hoping it was a bad dream. I turned on the bathroom light across the hall from her room to give a little light, but so as not to fully awaken her if at all possible. Well, she was already all the way awake & proclaimed to me "froggy ucky.. froggy ucky.. blankie ucky", it was at that point that I quickly flipped on her light & discovered that she wasn't tellin' me a story!! Sure enough.. she had puked all over her purple blanket, her crib sheet, her jammies & her (new) favorite froggy blankie, too! My husband got up to see what was going on and got ladybug stripped down & into a warm bath while I set about stripping her crib(again!) and starting a load of laundry. I got her bed all put back together, she was bathed & put back together herself and we were all ready to go back to bed by 5am. The kicker was that although she was still sleepy, she didn't want to have any part of sleeping in her crib. We let her crawl into our bed with us.. but that was not a comfortable proposition for ladybug & myself. I didn't sleep well at all and "woke-up" with a stiff neck & headache from our early morning "adventure", ladybug slept very fit-fully and ended up sleeping most of the morning at my folk's house while my youngest firefly & I went on our field trip.
The field trip was awesome this morning! We all had a blast at the hospital as we followed Pink Panther to get his broken tail x-rayed, have his blood drawn(turns out it's bright pink!) and then we got to tour the emergency room while he went into "surgery" to have his tail fixed. It seems that Pink Panther was having a bad morning, too.. he accidentally shut his tail in the car door & it broke. The kids were cute as they comforted him throughout the journey. One little boy even held his paw while they drew his "blood". My firefly wasn't too sure if he wanted to get real close to Pink Panther when we were first introduced to him in the hospital lobby as the public relations director wheeled him up to our group.. but he got over himself when I explained that it was actually a person dressed in a costume--kinda like it was Halloween. By the end of the morning my firefly was perfectly cool with standing next to Pink's wheelchair & even gave him a few high-fives, too! ;) All-in-all.. it was a great morning, despite my monster headache.
At one point, I thought that I was going to be needed to babysit my nieces again this afternoon for a little while, but my sister-in-law called and said that her other Grandma was available to watch her ladybugs while they took their afternoon nap. I was kinda glad that someone else was able to do it because I was still fighting my headache, so that was nice to hear. :)
Ladybug & I both had a quiet afternoon hanging out with my folks while my youngest firefly had a playday with my Aunt.. she even offered to pick up my oldest firefly from school and have both of them over to play at her house for a couple of hours afterschool. She's awesome!! :) Ladybug & I both ended up getting naps.. her's was longer than mine, but both were much needed after the craziness that we experienced in the wee hours of the morning. My Aunt even brought the fireflies back to our house for me this evening, too.. so I was able to get a few things accomplished at home--not as much as needs to be done mind you.. but it's a start!
We've got quite a lot going on this weekend.. tomorrow morning my husband is going to surprise our youngest firefly with a trip(just the two of them) to a model train show here in town, then tomorrow evening our fireflies & ladybug get to have dinner and hang out at my folk's while we go to a church meeting. Sunday will be crazy, there is a guy trying-out to be the new minister for our congregation and we have a potluck luncheon after morning services & then a dessert fellowship after evening services!! I am making my homemade spaghetti & meatballs along with a red velvet cake with cream cheese icing for Sunday morning's festivities and chocolate chip cookies for the dessert fellowship. :) I'll be a crazy cookin' woman tomorrow preparing for Sunday!
The field trip was awesome this morning! We all had a blast at the hospital as we followed Pink Panther to get his broken tail x-rayed, have his blood drawn(turns out it's bright pink!) and then we got to tour the emergency room while he went into "surgery" to have his tail fixed. It seems that Pink Panther was having a bad morning, too.. he accidentally shut his tail in the car door & it broke. The kids were cute as they comforted him throughout the journey. One little boy even held his paw while they drew his "blood". My firefly wasn't too sure if he wanted to get real close to Pink Panther when we were first introduced to him in the hospital lobby as the public relations director wheeled him up to our group.. but he got over himself when I explained that it was actually a person dressed in a costume--kinda like it was Halloween. By the end of the morning my firefly was perfectly cool with standing next to Pink's wheelchair & even gave him a few high-fives, too! ;) All-in-all.. it was a great morning, despite my monster headache.
At one point, I thought that I was going to be needed to babysit my nieces again this afternoon for a little while, but my sister-in-law called and said that her other Grandma was available to watch her ladybugs while they took their afternoon nap. I was kinda glad that someone else was able to do it because I was still fighting my headache, so that was nice to hear. :)
Ladybug & I both had a quiet afternoon hanging out with my folks while my youngest firefly had a playday with my Aunt.. she even offered to pick up my oldest firefly from school and have both of them over to play at her house for a couple of hours afterschool. She's awesome!! :) Ladybug & I both ended up getting naps.. her's was longer than mine, but both were much needed after the craziness that we experienced in the wee hours of the morning. My Aunt even brought the fireflies back to our house for me this evening, too.. so I was able to get a few things accomplished at home--not as much as needs to be done mind you.. but it's a start!
We've got quite a lot going on this weekend.. tomorrow morning my husband is going to surprise our youngest firefly with a trip(just the two of them) to a model train show here in town, then tomorrow evening our fireflies & ladybug get to have dinner and hang out at my folk's while we go to a church meeting. Sunday will be crazy, there is a guy trying-out to be the new minister for our congregation and we have a potluck luncheon after morning services & then a dessert fellowship after evening services!! I am making my homemade spaghetti & meatballs along with a red velvet cake with cream cheese icing for Sunday morning's festivities and chocolate chip cookies for the dessert fellowship. :) I'll be a crazy cookin' woman tomorrow preparing for Sunday!
Thursday, February 19, 2009
ok.. so perhaps i'm a laundry snob
Today has been another long day for me! I've been super busy doing all kinds of things for everyone with the exception of myself today(of course.. that sorta somes up most of my days.. but anywho!).
My sister-in-law's Grandma is very sick.. in fact, she is near death & has been placed on hospice care at the hospital. She is 95 years old and her body is simply worn out--her mind has been slowly fading away for several years as well. My Mom and I watched my nieces today so that my sister-in-law could be at the hospital with her Grandma Bertha.. to say good-bye and spend a little more time with her so she wouldn't have any regrets. My nieces are some feisty little ladybugs with a ton of energy.. combine that with my youngest firefly & my ladybug and let the "fun" begin! ;)
Overall, they were all good.. no major issues ensued the entire afternoon and all three of the ladybugs did eventually take naps. :) While the kiddos played in the finished basement, I took it upon myself to help out with the laundry room mess. My brother & sister-in-law have a little(okay, a hugely) different approach to how laundry is done at their house.. and I suppose I am a bit of a laundry snob when it comes to how particular I am about how things should be seperated, etc. So.. although it took me several hours, I was able to get all the clean clothes that were literally wadded & piled on the counter across from the washer & dryer all folded. I ran out of laundry baskets to put the folded clothing, towels, bedding.. you name it into. I then took it upon myself to sort down all of the dirty stuff that was piled on the floor of said laundry room into neatly organized piles(adult darks, towels, quilts, dark girls, whites).. you get the picture. I was also able to get 3 more loads washed & mostly dried before she got back home from the hospital. Of course, as usual.. no good deed goes unpunished.. I ended up getting bleach on one of my favorite shirts & my black cardigan, too. ;( (story of my life!)
Although all the hard work that I did today will quite possibly be destroyed in a matter of hours, I am proud of my accomplishment. I feel weird just sitting around not doing anything--especially when the kids are napping, so I made myself useful. My sister-in-law thanked me for what I had done and then this evening my brother called me to say thank you, too. :) It was nice to have my hardwork acknowledged.. sometimes the mundane things of life that nobody thinks much about (until you haven't done them).. go pretty much un-noticed.
Tomorrow morning my youngest firefly & I are going on a special field trip with his preschool to one of our local hospitals. They have what they call "Pink Panther" tours, basically kids(with their group from school or preschool) get to follow Pink Panther on his journey through the hospital to get his broken tail x-rayed & treated. The goal of the tour program is to help kids understand that hospitals aren't as scary as they might think. We are both looking forward to our hospital adventure. :)
My sister-in-law's Grandma is very sick.. in fact, she is near death & has been placed on hospice care at the hospital. She is 95 years old and her body is simply worn out--her mind has been slowly fading away for several years as well. My Mom and I watched my nieces today so that my sister-in-law could be at the hospital with her Grandma Bertha.. to say good-bye and spend a little more time with her so she wouldn't have any regrets. My nieces are some feisty little ladybugs with a ton of energy.. combine that with my youngest firefly & my ladybug and let the "fun" begin! ;)
Overall, they were all good.. no major issues ensued the entire afternoon and all three of the ladybugs did eventually take naps. :) While the kiddos played in the finished basement, I took it upon myself to help out with the laundry room mess. My brother & sister-in-law have a little(okay, a hugely) different approach to how laundry is done at their house.. and I suppose I am a bit of a laundry snob when it comes to how particular I am about how things should be seperated, etc. So.. although it took me several hours, I was able to get all the clean clothes that were literally wadded & piled on the counter across from the washer & dryer all folded. I ran out of laundry baskets to put the folded clothing, towels, bedding.. you name it into. I then took it upon myself to sort down all of the dirty stuff that was piled on the floor of said laundry room into neatly organized piles(adult darks, towels, quilts, dark girls, whites).. you get the picture. I was also able to get 3 more loads washed & mostly dried before she got back home from the hospital. Of course, as usual.. no good deed goes unpunished.. I ended up getting bleach on one of my favorite shirts & my black cardigan, too. ;( (story of my life!)
Although all the hard work that I did today will quite possibly be destroyed in a matter of hours, I am proud of my accomplishment. I feel weird just sitting around not doing anything--especially when the kids are napping, so I made myself useful. My sister-in-law thanked me for what I had done and then this evening my brother called me to say thank you, too. :) It was nice to have my hardwork acknowledged.. sometimes the mundane things of life that nobody thinks much about (until you haven't done them).. go pretty much un-noticed.
Tomorrow morning my youngest firefly & I are going on a special field trip with his preschool to one of our local hospitals. They have what they call "Pink Panther" tours, basically kids(with their group from school or preschool) get to follow Pink Panther on his journey through the hospital to get his broken tail x-rayed & treated. The goal of the tour program is to help kids understand that hospitals aren't as scary as they might think. We are both looking forward to our hospital adventure. :)
Wednesday, February 18, 2009
rude awakening.. of sorts
It's a drizzly, gloomy-ish day here today & I was moving somewhat slow this morning as I was trying to get myself out of bed and in gear making lunches for the boys. My oldest firefly came down to the kitchen to inform me that he had just gone in to say "good morning" to our little ladybug & discovered that she had puked all over herself & almost everything in her crib. LOVELY!! Thus, the title of my post for today!
She is fine now & you would never know that she had puked early this morning.. happily singing and playing now. :) Needless to say, my morning routine was instantly transformed into see if you can get two lunches made, feed two fireflies breakfast, get everyone dressed, put ladybug in the bathtub(making sure to comb all the puke out of her hair!) and get the oldest firefly to school by the 8:15am bell... keeping in mind that the clock is now reading 10 minutes until 8am! Luckily, we live a couple of minutes from our oldest firefly's school and my husband started a new routine of working 9am to 5:30pm and was able to help get the bath water running & take our oldest to school before his own carpool left. Somehow we got it all done.. but I am positive that if he hadn't been home for us to work as a team, I may have completely lost my mind!
Everyone cooperated fairly well, so things went more smoothly than originally expected when I was told that ladybug was covered in puke first thing this morning. Never a dull moment around here folks! ;) My youngest firefly had a little trouble staying focused on getting himself dressed this morning.. seems that this morning's episode of Diego was way more exciting than putting on his outfit for preschool. We got it all together though & ladybug and I dropped him off at preschool right on time. Today is "Q" day.. they had to take a picture in of something that starts with that letter. After some thought & asking my husband via google chat what I should search for to print out.. we came up with "Quail". The moment he typed "quail" into the chat window I felt somewhat dumb.. however, it had been a crazy morning.. so I suppose I should cut myself a tad bit of slack.
Hopefully the rest of the day will be much less "exciting"! Ladybug & I are having lunch with my Dad today.. my Mom's Sunday school class ladies are having their monthly luncheon. I look forward to getting to have our lunch date with my Dad.. my ladybug adores him(well, actually.. the feeling is mutual, they are buddies). :) We always tease my Mom about the fact that we're going to "crash" their luncheon.. but haven't ever actually followed through with our threat. ;) However.. today it's tempting because they're going to Amarillo Tex.. a great steakhouse here in town. So.. ya never know!
Lovely.. ladybug just announced to me "shoe off off".. I looked down to see that not only her shoe is off, but she has conveniently removed her sock, too! SWEET! Like I said before.. never a dull moment!
Well.. perhaps I should close this post before she decides to try her hand at taking off her pants(which is a new trick in her bag of fun these days). She definitely keeps us on our toes!
She is fine now & you would never know that she had puked early this morning.. happily singing and playing now. :) Needless to say, my morning routine was instantly transformed into see if you can get two lunches made, feed two fireflies breakfast, get everyone dressed, put ladybug in the bathtub(making sure to comb all the puke out of her hair!) and get the oldest firefly to school by the 8:15am bell... keeping in mind that the clock is now reading 10 minutes until 8am! Luckily, we live a couple of minutes from our oldest firefly's school and my husband started a new routine of working 9am to 5:30pm and was able to help get the bath water running & take our oldest to school before his own carpool left. Somehow we got it all done.. but I am positive that if he hadn't been home for us to work as a team, I may have completely lost my mind!
Everyone cooperated fairly well, so things went more smoothly than originally expected when I was told that ladybug was covered in puke first thing this morning. Never a dull moment around here folks! ;) My youngest firefly had a little trouble staying focused on getting himself dressed this morning.. seems that this morning's episode of Diego was way more exciting than putting on his outfit for preschool. We got it all together though & ladybug and I dropped him off at preschool right on time. Today is "Q" day.. they had to take a picture in of something that starts with that letter. After some thought & asking my husband via google chat what I should search for to print out.. we came up with "Quail". The moment he typed "quail" into the chat window I felt somewhat dumb.. however, it had been a crazy morning.. so I suppose I should cut myself a tad bit of slack.
Hopefully the rest of the day will be much less "exciting"! Ladybug & I are having lunch with my Dad today.. my Mom's Sunday school class ladies are having their monthly luncheon. I look forward to getting to have our lunch date with my Dad.. my ladybug adores him(well, actually.. the feeling is mutual, they are buddies). :) We always tease my Mom about the fact that we're going to "crash" their luncheon.. but haven't ever actually followed through with our threat. ;) However.. today it's tempting because they're going to Amarillo Tex.. a great steakhouse here in town. So.. ya never know!
Lovely.. ladybug just announced to me "shoe off off".. I looked down to see that not only her shoe is off, but she has conveniently removed her sock, too! SWEET! Like I said before.. never a dull moment!
Well.. perhaps I should close this post before she decides to try her hand at taking off her pants(which is a new trick in her bag of fun these days). She definitely keeps us on our toes!
Tuesday, February 17, 2009
yes.. i am still alive!
So... it's been over 2 months since I've written a post on my blog.. kinda pathetic, eh? Many reasons for my "vacation" from blog posting.. stomach flu, colds, ear infections, all the holiday craziness.. a general funk(yet again)! I have continued to keep up with all of the blogs that I read every day, just haven't felt like posting on my own.
Hopefully I will do a better job with this endeavor in the days & weeks to come. I've been doing a lot of re-evaluating of areas of my life and working on improving at least one thing(in some cases many things) in each aspect.
Marriage is one area that is getting some detailed look & work these days. My folks pre-bought me a copy of the movie "Fireproof" for Christmas & it released last month. If you haven't seen it yet.. GO GET A COPY of it!! It's awesome & really hit home for my husband & I on several levels. There are a lot of churches in our area(and across the United States) that are holding free movie nights along with marriage themed Bible study classes. There is a great devotional book that goes along with the movie called "The Love Dare".. it's a 40 day challenge for husbands & wives complete with activities & scripture passages.
Our congregation is hosting an event on Saturday, February 28th at 6:30pm... Vaughn Hill church of Christ in Wood River, IL(on Rte. 111 just up from Walmart).. FREE babysitting is provided that night, too! We will also be doing a series of Sunday morning adult Bible study classes about marriage during the month of March. If you'd like more information please call: (618)259-2100
Hopefully I will do a better job with this endeavor in the days & weeks to come. I've been doing a lot of re-evaluating of areas of my life and working on improving at least one thing(in some cases many things) in each aspect.
Marriage is one area that is getting some detailed look & work these days. My folks pre-bought me a copy of the movie "Fireproof" for Christmas & it released last month. If you haven't seen it yet.. GO GET A COPY of it!! It's awesome & really hit home for my husband & I on several levels. There are a lot of churches in our area(and across the United States) that are holding free movie nights along with marriage themed Bible study classes. There is a great devotional book that goes along with the movie called "The Love Dare".. it's a 40 day challenge for husbands & wives complete with activities & scripture passages.
Our congregation is hosting an event on Saturday, February 28th at 6:30pm... Vaughn Hill church of Christ in Wood River, IL(on Rte. 111 just up from Walmart).. FREE babysitting is provided that night, too! We will also be doing a series of Sunday morning adult Bible study classes about marriage during the month of March. If you'd like more information please call: (618)259-2100
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