Tuesday, August 12, 2008

a swimming we will go...

My fireflies, ladybug & I joined my sister-in-law & her two ladybugs, along with my Mom & my Aunt at our friend's house for swimming this afternoon. We had perfect weather for it today.. mid '80s, low humidity & beautiful sunny skies with a few puffy white clouds. :)

My oldest firefly has certainly conquered his fear of fully immersing himself in the pool from last summer & summers before that. He is becoming more fish-like and really starting to get the hang of swimming. Our younger firefly is still not crazy about putting his head under water, but put aside his apprehension this afternoon & with a pair of goggles over his eyes & his swim vest on, he covered pretty near every square inch of Sharon's pool.. even the deep end! YEAH!! :) He was pretty proud of himself and we all cheered for him. Ladybug was pretty content to float around in her ladybug and just chill out. She wasn't crazy about her oldest brother repeatedly splashing her in the face when he jumped in the pool, but she had a good time. After a long hard fight, she fell very soundly asleep in my Mom's lap while the rest of the kiddos squealed & had a grand time in the pool.

It was a fun, relaxing afternoon together. As of tomorrow, we have exactly one week until our oldest firefly starts school again--he'll be in the 4th grade this year(already!). While not my first choice, he did get a good teacher again this year. :)

Well.. I need to get some clothes together for the fireflies.. they are both having sleepovers tonight--the oldest with my Aunt and the younger on with my folks('cuz he was upset that big brother got to have a special only him one with my Aunt.. who is on the very short list of those responsible for hanging the moon in their book!). My Aunt had promised each of them a special "just them" sleepover before school started back up this fall.. so tonight is the older one's turn.

Our house will be quiet & peaceful this evening.. well, with the exception of our little ladybug!

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